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We've put together our favourite resources and articles showcasing how we help others.
Connection with others.
Courtesy of EAP Social relationships support good mental and physical health. These 14 tips will help you to enjoy better interactions...
Oh for a good night's sleep!
That ever-evasive bloody sleep! Some of us really struggle with sleep. Particularly if we have experienced trauma and anxiety. We need...
The Pause
We can all use this from time to time. With practice and intention, it's a great help. To pause during a distressing situation allows you...
Affirmations are powerful. When we affirm something to ourselves, we are telling ourselves that it is, without question or objection,...
Next time you are ‘over it’, there are some simple actions you can take to make you feel more yourself: 1. Stop playing pretend and talk...
Winter Can be Tough!
Here's 6 tips to help you through a long Winter. Winter can take its toll both physically and emotionally. While some people love rugging...
We love R.A.I.N please have a read, it may really help. Sometimes your thoughts are so powerful you might believe them. Then, you might...
Suicide? Let's talk about it.
What makes someone vulnerable to suicide? By having a conversation about suicide, listening without judging, offering support and...
Effective Boundaries and Saying 'No'
Dean, this especially applies to you too! An important aspect of being assertive is the ability to say “No”. This means you are able to...
Forgiveness - its so important to our healing.
Here are a few quotes to help you let go of mistakes and forgive yourself: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of...
11 really simple ways to improve your mental health.
Practice “box breathing” If I notice that you are feeling a little anxious or a bit stressed, try box breathing: four counts on the...
Appreciation, Defamiliatisation, Riutal & Learning to Shop
Appreciation It sounds peculiar, and not a little patronising, to suggest that one of the major obstacles to contentment might lie in our...
10 really important things we can do to support ourselves.
Give them a try or book a session and let's work this through together? Stress affects nearly everyone at some point and over time, it...
Being with nature is healing. The importance of Nature Based Therapy (NBT)
The Path of the Horse is situated 3.9kms from the town of Trentham in Victorias beautiful Central Highlands. We are blessed to be on a...
Thinking Positively, Gratitude and Mindfulness
Developing a positive state of mind that helps you navigate through life’s many challenges won’t happen overnight. However, it’s...
Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion where individuals tend to magnify and exaggerate the potential negative outcomes of a...
Self-compassion is the act of extending kindness and understanding toward oneself, particularly during times of suffering, failure or...
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