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Learn more about The Path of The Horse, news, media and upcoming events.
We've put together our favourite resources and articles showcasing how we help others.
Effective Boundaries and Saying 'No'
Dean, this especially applies to you too! An important aspect of being assertive is the ability to say “No”. This means you are able to...
Forgiveness - its so important to our healing.
Here are a few quotes to help you let go of mistakes and forgive yourself: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of...
11 really simple ways to improve your mental health.
Practice “box breathing” If I notice that you are feeling a little anxious or a bit stressed, try box breathing: four counts on the...
Mindfulness, what's it all about and how do I try it?
I was given a gift years ago that absolutely changed my ability to manage my life; it was 'Mindfulness'. It took me a long time to work...
Appreciation, Defamiliatisation, Riutal & Learning to Shop
Appreciation It sounds peculiar, and not a little patronising, to suggest that one of the major obstacles to contentment might lie in our...
Mindfullness - the game changer
Mindfulness is the short-term for mindfulness meditation practice. To me, Mindfulness is very different to what we may think of as...
10 really important things we can do to support ourselves.
Give them a try or book a session and let's work this through together? Stress affects nearly everyone at some point and over time, it...
Being with nature is healing. The importance of Nature Based Therapy (NBT)
The Path of the Horse is situated 3.9kms from the town of Trentham in Victorias beautiful Central Highlands. We are blessed to be on a...
Thinking Positively, Gratitude and Mindfulness
Developing a positive state of mind that helps you navigate through life’s many challenges won’t happen overnight. However, it’s...
A Beautiful Bond
A beautiful bond has blossomed here, founded on trust, love, safety and a willingness to embrace learning through connection. The...
Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion where individuals tend to magnify and exaggerate the potential negative outcomes of a...
Self-compassion is the act of extending kindness and understanding toward oneself, particularly during times of suffering, failure or...
Mental Health Week 2022
Path of the Horse: Breathe The Path of the Horse aims to assist people of all ages and from all walks of life who seek better mental...
Young Women Doing It Their Way
Today at The Path of the Horse I was privileged to be a part of a wonderful day with a group of 9 young women and a few magnificent and...
The Path of the Horse is a Charity Run by Dean Mighell Helping War Veterans
SARAH HUDSON, The Weekly Times DEAN Mighell lets out an audible sigh of delight. “This is nice — instant peace,” he says, greeting his...
Horses Take on Role as Therapists for War Veterans Struggling with PTSD
ABC Ballarat By Jess Davis Horses Healing War Veterans Video - Ballarat ABC Tucked away in the forest behind Victoria's potato growing...
Horse Whisperer Making a Difference
The Local By Anthony Sawrey HUMANS and horses as a species have been intertwined for nearly 6000 years and it has been for the most part,...
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